Database Statistics

MultifacetedProtDB collects multifunctional proteins from UniProt/SwissProt (Release 2023-03). It includes 241 human proteins already present in existing datasets (MoonDB, MoonProt and MultitaskProtDB II), which when restricted to humans collect 47, 103, and 185 proteins, respectively.

Other proteins are derived from recent literature. Enzymes with multiple EC codes are included. The final dataset contains 1103 multifunctional proteins, of which 812 are enzymes. MultifacetedProtDB increases by four times the number of multifunctional proteins reported in currently available resources.

Table 1:
Statistics of MultifacetedProtDB

  Proteins PDB Reactome paths^ Reactome roots^ InterPro Pfam Diseases
Enzymes 812 10,469 entries
520 proteins
662 leaf nodes
163 internal nodes
698 proteins
27 1,943 entries
812 proteins
761 entries
807 proteins
619 MONDO diseases
172 ICD10 categories
16 ICD10 chapters
321 proteins
Non enzymes 291 2,840 entries 465 leaf nodes
106 internal nodes
25 784 entries
291 proteins
314 entries
287 proteins
309 MONDO diseases
117 ICD10 categories
13 ICD10 chapters
110 proteins
All proteins 1103 13,147 entries
743 proteins
849 leaf nodes
198 internal nodes
950 proteins
27 2,626 entries
1103 proteins
1,045 entries
1094 proteins
895 MONDO diseases
213 ICD10 categories
17 ICD10 chapters
431 proteins

^ Reactome entries related to “Disease” and “Drug ADME” are not considered when counting the number of Reactome pathways and roots

"internal nodes" represent the intermediate nodes within the Reactome hierarchy.

Table 2:
Statistics of Enzymatic Proteins in MultifacetedProtDB

  Enzymes PDB Reactome paths^ Reactome roots^ InterPro Pfam Diseases
Enzymes 812 10,469 entries
520 enzymes
662 leaf nodes
163 internal nodes
698 enzymes
27 1,943 entries
812 enzymes
761 entries
807 enzymes
619 MONDO diseases
172 ICD10 categories
16 ICD10 chapters
321 enzymes
Enzymes with only 1 EC 144 3,315 entries 287 leaf nodes
82 internal nodes
135 enzymes
23 623 entries
144 enzymes
213 entries
142 enzymes
173 MONDO diseases
89 ICD10 categories
13 ICD10 chapters
82 enzymes
Enzymes with Multiple ECs with different 1st levels 136 1,472 entries
88 proteins
149 leaf nodes
27 internal nodes
112 enzymes
18 527 entries
136 enzymes
200 entries
136 enzymes
123 MONDO diseases
74 ICD10 categories
12 ICD10 chapters
56 enzymes
Enzymes with Multiple ECs with different figures other than the 1st 532 5,750 entries
312 enzymes
488 leaf nodes
107 internal nodes
451 enzymes
27 1,110 entries
532 enzymes
440 entries
529 enzymes
349 MONDO diseases
161 ICD10 categories
15 ICD10 chapters
183 enzymes

^ Reactome entries related to “Disease” and “Drug ADME” are not considered when counting the number of Reactome pathways and roots

"internal nodes" represent the intermediate nodes within the Reactome hierarchy.